E9. $250,000 in 18 Months from One Digital Course

May 13, 2021


How would you like to generate your first quarter of a million dollars using a digital course? 

Sounds unbelievable, right? 

Well, let me tell you, that's exactly what I did in 18 months just by launching ONE digital course!

 Yes, it IS possible. How did I do it? Listen to this week’s podcast episode where I pulled back the curtains to reveal the secrets behind my very first digital course and how this one product gave a huge boost to my financial and time freedom.

In this episode, I shared..

  • How I got the idea
  • What made it work
  • AND, how you can find your highly profitable ideas that are already embedded into your specialized knowledge & passions

I know that every single person has some kind of specialized knowledge. I know that YOU have a niche or multiple niches. You know valuable stuff that can be creatively packaged and monetized. 

Whatever it is, I promise you, if you have specialized knowledge, there are people in the world who want to learn from you! 

It doesn’t matter how big your email list or how big your reputation is. You can start where you are right now. 

Now, a pile of cash from selling what you know is cool. But the real treasure in this conversation is something called the Ascension Model. 

If you can get the concept of Ascension, not only would you be able to do what I did with my first course, but you could make a lot more impact and a lot more profit in whatever niche your business is operating in.

You'll find your business feeling so much more purposeful because you see the big picture. You know that there is long-term value, that you're guiding people toward long-term transformation.

You'll feel that your business and brand are full of a lot more potential and you will understand more fully the value that your brand and business can bring to your clients and customers and the value that gets to come back to your business.

Here’s a preview of the episode:

[5:12] If you have specialized knowledge, there are people in the world who want to learn from you. That can become a form of currency. That knowledge that you have, that specialization can be HIGHLY VALUABLE.

 [8:48] You can start where you are right now. You can start putting up content and developing reputation and trust with your followers online. .

[8:55] How do you know when you’re in alignment? I knew I was when I did this because it was so much fun.

[9:37]Here’s a shortcut to growing your audience: Connect with other influencers and speak to their audiences!

[11:07] Ascension model means more value for your customers and more money for your business.

[14:50] What I love most about Ascension model is It gives a CLEAR DIRECTION in your business.

[15:22] An Ascension model gives you clarity and gives your followers a clear path to turn into paying customers and to continue up the Ascension model as they want to experience more with you.

[15:43] It allows you to build one piece of your business at a time while still making profit.

[16:52] You don’t have to build out an entire Ascension model. You start with one level.

[17:23] You'll find your business so much more purposeful because you see the BIG PICTURE. You know that there is long term VALUE and TRANSFORMATION

[17:49] You will understand more fully the value of your brand and business can bring to your clients and customers and the value that get to come back to your business.


To help you get your Ascension Model mapped out easily, I have a free Quick Start Guide for you!


This is a simple process to draw out the first version of your Ascension Model. It's called Monetize What You Know. You can get your free copy at donovanrising.com/plan.


Have fun with this and send us a pic of your rough draft of your Ascension Model!



Want to see the pre and post-show bonus content? Watch the Facebook Live for this week’s episode!