Don't Do Anything You Don't Want to Do!

Mar 11, 2021

Do you often find yourself doing things that you don't like doing in your business?

I don't think you should! Super successful entrepreneurs know how to say NO to MOST things that come across their desks. Why and how? Watch my latest Facebook live below!

Is it ironic for a business mentor to tell you you shouldn't do anything that you don't want to do? 

You hear from so many coaches that hustle and grind is just part of the equation. But when you look at your life and you look at the times when you force yourself to put your nose to the grind, do you want to do more of that? Probably not!

I'm pretty sure you're familiar with the 80/20 rule. 80% of the results are from 20% of the work, right? But if I were to be a little fly on the wall for most people's businesses, it's probably a pretty safe bet to guess that people do 80 percent of the work that produces very little to no results most of the time.

So then, that begs the question, why are you doing that? Why not do the stuff that you really get excited to do and allow yourself to really flourish there? Why not leverage that to have a positive and intense impact on your business's profitability

That's the first thing that I want you to explore a little bit in your mind. Follow the joy, follow your bliss. Immediately

Think about your path of least resistance. And remember, the path of least resistance feels a lot like satisfaction. It feels like following little positive impulses, feeling the pleasure of following that bit of inspiration that pays off. 

Now, I know what you might be thinking, hold on a second, I can't do some of these business activities that I hate because then my business would fall apart.

If you don't want to do things, here's what I recommend you do:

#1 Clear your mind, reset emotionally and energetically, and then come back to it and see if you can come at it from a fresh space.

#2 Ask if you're the right person to do it or should you delegate it to someone else?

#3 Find a different way of doing it - maybe there's a different way to do it.

 Do you see how that works? If you don't, watch my Facebook video below to hear me elaborate on these!

Again, the point is you want to go from point A, where you are now, to point B, where you want to be. And there are unlimited ways for that to happen. The way that you're looking at right now may not be the right way. How do you know when you're on the right path? By following your path of least resistance. 

By following the feelings of satisfaction, by following the little positive impulses. If something feels big and heavy and intimidating and ugly, it is probably not your path of least resistance. There's probably a different route that you could take! Know that if you tend to your alignment, if you're committed to following the satisfaction, your business is going to flourish. 


Let the Universe take over!


PS - ready to start building your online business in a FUN and super EFFECTIVE way? Try my favorite all-in-one online marketing platform (KAJABI!) for free: