E22. Money Doesn’t Come from Your Business>>> feat. Jessica Jovanovich

Aug 20, 2021

 Are you the kind of entrepreneur who expects money to come from your business?

And I bet you feel frustrated when you look at it and do not see the money that you expect.

I get it. I was the same, too. 

So, trust me when I say that my latest podcast episode is going to be valuable for you!

In this episode, Jessica Jovanovich, one of the best mindset and manifestation coaches, helps debunk some myths and misconceptions about where money really comes from. 

Listen to the Podcast Episode

It's worthy and beautiful to want money and to do great things with it. As Jessica says, it's here to support us. 

But if it doesn't come from your business, then where?

Jessica says money doesn't come FROM your business - it comes THROUGH your business!

What exactly is the difference?

Jessica tells us if money can only come from your business, you're blocking yourself from a lot of ways that money can flow to you. It puts you in this energy of chasing versus attracting because you believe that your business is the only way to create money. 

However, when you see money comes through your business, it opens you up to all the ways that money can come into your life and your business will feel a hell a lot better.

Do you believe that money comes from an unlimited source? And if you just let the universe orchestrate everything on your behalf, money will flow freely?

It is highly possible!

You just need to clear up your energy and start breaking up with any beliefs that are limiting how money can come to you.

Be in the receptive mode where you can allow money to come flowing through your business and into your life abundantly all the time!

How do you do it? Listen to the entire episode to find out!


Here's a preview of the Episode:

[9:03] Money doesn't come from your business, money comes from unlimited source.

[18:56] Do business because you enjoy it not because you need something from it.

[19:15] The more you spend time in that enjoyment space then the money will just come to you so much easier.

[22:58] Believe that money comes all the time no matter what.

[27:23] You can make that decision and be that version of yourself now. Change internally today! 


 Reframing your beliefs and shifting your energy towards money is just one of the ways to allow it to come through your business.

Remember, money comes from unlimited sources and the Universe offers unlimited ways. As Jessica affirms, isn't that a relief?



If you want to listen to Episode 5 where we featured Jessica for the first time, click here. You can also find her on Instagram and Facebook. She's got some awesome freebies that you can download to get started and ways you can connect with her. And she produces really cool content, too!


The Universe Has Your Business: Money Doesn’t Come Through Your Business>>> feat. Jessica Jovanovich