E24: Why Your Desired Manifestations Are Guaranteed
Dec 16, 2022
Should you get frustrated when there is a delay to your manifestation?
The big answer is NO.
In fact, my best friend Jess Jovanovich, says that a delay in manifestation is a blessing.
Never thought of that, huh?
Well, I invite you to listen to my latest episode to understand more about the manifestation timeline and things you can do to speed up the process.
In This Episode You Will Learn About:
- Why there is a delay in your manifestations
- What divine timing is and why it is always a celebratory timeline
- Things you can do to speed up the manifestation timeline
- The best time to clean up your vibes so you can start seeing tangible manifested results
Here's one thing you need to know - what manifests right now is not actually related to the vibe you're being right now.
It is a result of previous vibes that you've been BEING. And this is really important to understand.
Remember, there is a manifestation delay, right?
So, what you need to do is to clean up your vibes, and clean it NOW. Be intentional in choosing a better state of being, enjoy it, go with the positive flow.
Here's a preview of the episode:
[3:57] This delay exists because you live in a time-space reality.
[4:03] When you launched a desire the universe becomes your desires energetically.
[7:15] If you're holding the wanted vibrational space, if you are being the vibe of your desired manifestation, they will happen. It will happen on the timeline that you will ultimately celebrate
[7:44] Divine timing is always a celebratory timeline. When you're in it and flowing in it, things come together in an inspired way.
[8:23] If you are experiencing unwanted manifestations now, that's just the result of a previous vibe that you've been being
[8:57] Right now is the only time, you can clean up your vibe.
[10:04] The moment you start worrying about the timeline is the moment you're instantly out of sync with the desired manifestation
[10:21] If you're worried about time, you are not in alignment with your desires.
[13:00] Divine timing is never against your favor and it's never against your desires. Its always going to be harmonious with your desires
[14:44] Allow yourself the courage of knowing that when you practice being a state that matches more of what you do want, those vibes are being accumulated and are being responded to by the law of attraction.
[15:06] Law of attraction is currently gathering components that will culminate into the tangible manifestations you want
[15:39] Enjoy choosing a state that will inevitably create the manifestations that you desire
[15:53] The more that you are conscious and intentional about it. The more that you allow yourself to be in that space to feel better, the feels good.
You might be wondering how much time is going to pass before you start seeing the tangible manifested results.
Well, you don't need to start worrying about it.
Because the moment you start fretting about the timeline is the moment you're instantly out of sync with your desired manifestations.
The moment that you start worrying, you are just adding unnecessary resistance to the mix that will invariably slow down the manifestation that you're looking for.
Your only job is to continue putting yourself in a state of being that feels better more of the time.
Remember, divine timing is never against your favor and it's never against your desires. It's always going to be harmonious with your desires.
Right now is where your power is and the only time you can start cleaning up your vibe or cleaning it up a little more than you have in the past.
Choose a state that feels better.
The manifestations are on their way and they are coming. I promise you this. They must come because it is a universal law.
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The Universe Says YES!: Why Your Desired Manifestations Are Guaranteed