E25. What Is “The Universe”?

Sep 17, 2021


What kind of power do you think you get from “The Universe?”

I use the term "The Universe" a lot and it has even become somewhat of a buzzword now. But for soul-focused entrepreneurs, there's a deep sense of something majestic and powerful beneath it. 

Listen to the full episode of my latest podcast where I tell you what "The Universe" is and how you can tap into it.


Listen to the Podcast Episode


It's one thing to say that the universe has your back, and it's an entirely different thing to live and breathe that belief.

But what does it really mean? What kind of power is it, and how do you tap into it?

The Universe" is not something that you define; it is something that you have to tap into. It's something that you have to sense.

Here's a preview of the episode:

[24:26] We are the creators of improvement. A better world is inevitable.

[24:45] Well-being is the undercurrent of our existence.

[29:58] Focus on areas where well-being is flowing. Then you're allowing God to unfold through you.

[30:33] You are an expression of the universe. The expansion of the universe happens through you. You are the creator!

[31:12] You are here to create meaning. You are an expression of the universe, where improvement is inevitable, where goodness is unfolding. The more that you can tap into an internal sense of that, the more you find your creative power.

[33:50] The universe has your back because it is you. When you sense this internally, independent of what is externally perceivable, you will find your power to create and realize its unfolding has been inevitable the whole time.


So, if you're eager to tap into the depth of universal power so that you truly feel you are capable of creating the life you want, listen to the full podcast episode.

You don't have to do anything drastic to create the life you want. There’s actually way less work involved than you might expect.


Ask and it is given, right?



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 The Universe Has Your Business: What Is “The Universe”?