⭐️ Entrepreneurship + Law of Attraction ⭐️

Apr 05, 2021

Hey savvy entrepreneur, do you LEVERAGE Law of Attraction? 

On my latest episode, I talked about entrepreneurship and the Law of Attraction. This is probably one of the most quintessential topics that we could dive into together. 

Are you an entrepreneur who feels like you've had to put your nose to the grind, constantly hustling and struggling? There’s an easier way!

You’re at POINT A (where you are right now), and you want to be at POINT B (a better place in the future.) Leveraging Law of Attraction in your entrepreneurial experience is the easiest way to get to Point B!

I want to give you just a little bit of law of attraction as I understand it. These are the principles that have helped me achieve success in digital marketing and my other businesses.

Principle #1 is that you live in an abundant, loving universe that has your back. Well-being abounds in this universe and it is always accessible to you. It has no biases. It has no favors, favor favorites. It has no preferences. 

Principle #2 is like attracts like. The Law of Attraction says that which is like unto itself is drawn. If I feel something on the inside, the Universe is always listening. It's always conspiring to bring me things that match my energetic output and my feelings.

Principle #3 is it's not your words that matter; t's what you feel. It’s the energy that counts. I can say all the right words but if the feeling of the energy beneath that is contrary to the words I'm saying, it’s not going to work.

Law of Attraction is like gravity. It just does what it does. It's always in effect. If you can grasp this, it can spur you along your path to success faster than any business training, any seminar, any strategy, any program could push you forward. So, when I say the Universe can do the heavy lifting, this is exactly what I mean.

You are an extension of the Universe. I believe that you're not just part of the Universe. You are a projection of the Universe. You're a focal point of individualized consciousness and you still are the Universe! 

You can hustle, you can push, you can strategize, you can be in action. However, you can also be wise enough to surrender all your plans to the wiser mind of the Universe.

Sounds much more enjoyable to do it that way, doesn’t it? 😉

If you're at a point where you are right now and you want to be at point B, whatever that goal is, and you think you've got a strategy, just remember that there are unlimited ways to go from point A to point B

You don't have to manage the details. You live in an infinitely intelligent universe that's always got your back.

Do you want to know why business grows way FASTER when you leverage the Law of Attraction? Watch my full Facebook live below.

Now, I'm leaving you with the question, which way do you want to show up in your business?

You can choose the hustle, coercing, pushing, overcoming way, which is not wrong. It's just a lot more work. Or you can do it the aligned way where you're aligned with the whole of who you really are, which is in flow and joy and ease.


It's up to you to decide.
