E15: Become the Outcome, Not How It Must Happen

Oct 21, 2022

There's a difference between taking action to achieve a desire and becoming the person who has the desire.

Are you as inspired as I am by that thought?

You see, there are people who spend their mental energy and time thinking about why they don't or can't have their desires. 

In This Episode You Will Learn About:

  • What the Path of Least Resistance is
  • Why "least resistant" is wonderful 
  • How to know when you're on the path of least resistance
  • What feeling good "unconditionally" means
  • How to become the person who has your desire by tapping into the energy of the outcome

On the other hand, there are people who spend their mental energy thinking about what they think they need to do in order to get it. 

Now, the second set is obviously a big improvement from the first because they're not arguing for their limitation. BUT, they're also not on the most energy-efficient journey to their desires.

And that's what I discussed on this episode - the idea of becoming the outcome VS endeavoring and efforting in order to make it happen.

Here's a preview of the episode:

[4:15] The Universe has already lined up a path of least resistance for your desires.

[6:20] The path of least resistance is this. At a soul level, your soul-self, your higher self, your inner beingness knows what the limits are.

[7:22] When you follow the least resistant path forward, it accounts for any obstacles, any limiting beliefs in your way, any family history, generational patterns, or past trauma that you may have brought with you and that's why I say It's not right or wrong its just least resistant.

[8:22] Positive impulses feel like positive energy, a positive pulse forward.

[10:03] A positive impulse is light-hearted, its light feeling thoughts, it feels lightweight.

[10:19] When you feel these positive impulses, that's when you know you're following the path of least resistance forward.

[10:23] You receive the positive impulses when you let yourself feel good unconditionally.

[11:25] Life works out when you tap into the internal, unconditional feeling of feeling good.

[12:47] When you allow yourself to feel good unconditionally, you get what you want, and you feel good in the process.

[13:49] When you ask the answer is given. When you asked, the path of least resistance is immediately lined up by universe intelligence.

[15:07] Focus on becoming the person who has your desires by tapping into the energy of the outcome.

The Universe has already lined up a path of least resistance for your desires.

There is no exception to the rule "Ask and it is given."

Go ahead., Follow those positive impulses and do what feels good unconditionally. 

Focus on the details that do matter to you and let the Universe do Its job.



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 The Universe Says YES!: Become the Outcome, Not How It Must Happen