Unconditional Well-Being_Part 2
Apr 19, 2021
What's keeping you from what you want?
I asked this question because I want you to dig deep to check if you're living conditionally. Here’s what I mean by that:
Conditional living is identifying any external condition that you want to look different for you to be happy or to feel better. Want to know more? Check out my Facebook Live here, where I discussed the idea of conditional living and what you can do to turn things around and start living unconditionally!
Unconditional living, of course, is where you don't require conditions to feel good. You can tend to your alignment. You can tune into great energy internally first and then draw to you the conditions that match that.
Now, you might wonder and ask yourself, "What if I have legit limitations and real circumstances that are keeping me from what I want?!"
I've totally experienced that! And so, I get it when you have a reality, an actual condition, and you're not making it up.
But you know what? Even with an actual condition or limitation, you still have the opportunity to live unconditionally - that’s to say, BEYOND EXTERNAL CONDITIONS.
Do you think that putting your focus on the condition and having a knee-jerk emotional response to that condition helps you? I don't think that getting upset about any condition is wrong. It's just the hard way of going about changing it. There's a much more effective way!
Instead of complaining about the situation or taking uninspired action, you would do so much better to find your alignment first. When you're aligned, you usually take less action, and it's always more inspired action.
So, how exactly would you do that? How do you stop arguing for your limitations to draw to you what you really want easily? Watch the second part of this episode below!
The Universe is always listening, and the law of attraction is always responding. If you desire and introduce no resistant thought, the solution would materialize into your mind, into your thoughts, and even into your physical reality so quickly.
And the more that we go gently into more feelings of alignment, the more that we're going to receive the inspired solutions and align with the solutions.
Just be mindful of when you are aware of a condition that's undesirable. Be OK with the fact that you don't like it. It's fine. You don't have to like the condition. And then ask yourself, could I allow myself to treat this more as a springboard?
Could you allow yourself to take your focus off this condition no matter how real it is and find your alignment first? You definitely could!
Cheers to a fabulous life!