You Are Your Whole Truth (The First Mantra of in\CONSCIOUS)

Sep 24, 2024

I want to share the ULTIMATE MANIFESTATION sequence with you. This is a 5-year full-circle moment that will truly change how you see the way you create your life.


What came from this sequence is countless manifestations that shaped who I am, and that gave my life and work a deeper purpose than ever before.


I share this with you as a greatest gift I could give you.


It’s a gift that will answer every question that matters, and power every move you make to consciously create a life you would genuinely call a masterpiece.


A handful of years ago, I did a meditation where I was visited by my 5-year future self. The intention of the meditation was to tune into what it would take for me to uplevel my life and myself into everything that I desire and that’s meant to be.


Little did I know that my 5-year future self was about to change my life in the most extraordinary way. He handed me a gift - piece of paper that said something I didn’t understand at the time:




It landed on my heart like it was written by the hand of the Universe.


For the next few years, I explored what it might mean for Truth to be something I AM, rather than something I seek, find, or learn.


A special thing that manifested in a moment of deep reflection one day was the name for my business program. I had tried to name it things like “Digital Business Builder,” and the likes. But the right name came so clearly: Truth & Business.


But I still didn’t know why “Truth” was so important.


Until one day during a live session with my clients, I had an intense download. It hit me like a bolt of lightning, and I had to pause during the session to write it down.


*Our WHOLE TRUTH is the Truth of our Worth, Deserving, Belonging, Importance, and Freedom.*


I spent the next couple of years playing in that. What does it mean to just BE Worthy? What’s it like to Deserve just because it’s the Truth of what I am? How do I Belong simply because I exist as part of the fabric of life and all that is? What does it mean to truly, deeply matter? And how am I inarguably Free to move in any direction and to be + become anything I desire?


I would eventually come to know that EVERYTHING comes back to Whole Truth.


Every pain is actually about the parts of our Whole Truth that we’re misaligned with. Every desire is an individualized and sacred expression of our Whole Truth. Our human experience is the intersection between what’s divine and eternally  True about us, and the way we interact with and explore that Truth as it unfolds through us.


The thing we are seeking in every instance of our existence is to be our Whole Truth, and to experience its unfolding through our humanity.


My life took insane twists and turns to teach me these Truths. I explored love, prosperity, polyamory, luxury, financial difficulties, grief, loss, and change in the most dramatic ways.


Grief, loss, and painful change were some of my greatest teachers. I call it “grief so deep that it could only be beautiful.” Things in my life that were truly sacred to me came to an end.


The crutches I used to compensate for not showing up in my own Whole Truth were disrupted or removed. Important people in my life shifted into roles where they could no longer supplement any lack in my Truth.


I realized finally that it had to be me. Only I can actually exist in my Whole Truth.


Nobody and nothing outside of me can do it for me.


When I accepted that I am The One to be my Whole Truth, I began experiencing my life coming together in big, miraculous ways. Too many grand, spectacular manifestations to keep track of. I became magnetic to wonders.


The full-circle moment happened September 14 at 8:00PM. It was exactly 5 years from when my 5-year prior self received that gift - the gift that put all of this in motion.


And now I was the person who could give my 5-years ago self that gift.


Tears streamed quickly when I realized this.


I had lived the life that taught me the lessons. I had exercised the courage again and again to continue trusting that it all had purpose greater than what I could see.


All the moments spent wondering why things couldn’t have been easier now make sense. And I knew the entire time that I was gaining experience that would allow me to serve my life purpose: To teach others to consciously create in their Whole Truth.


5 years ago, I didn’t understand what “You are your Whole Truth” meant. Now I am the one prepared to share this with the world.


Whole Truth is the total frequency of love. It’s the magnetism for creativity. It’s both the substance that makes up all desire and the reason we are the energetic match for all we desire. It’s the basis for all successful conscious creation.


It is joy in the now and the way of possibility and potentiality. It is true abundance.


I am so eager to teach you what your Whole Truth means for you, and to help you come into the power of living and creating in it.


All of this was for me and for you.


You are your Whole Truth. You don’t need to find it or get it. You ARE it.


If you’re ready to accept this gift and the explosion of powerful creation that comes with it, this is the work we’ll do together.


You can learn it bit-by-bit through my free content online, or you can take the deep dive and accelerate your evolution in one of signature programs. DM the in\CONSCIOUS team to find which in\CONSCIOUS experience is ideal for where you are now.


All my love,


If you'd like to take a moment to reflect with some beautiful music on what Whole Truth means to you, Click Here to Listen to my current favorite high-vibe sounds.


You can see the current offerings from in\CONSCIOUS (and see our new Shopping Experience!) at the in\CONSCIOUS shop right here.


PS - I would LOVE to hear your thoughts, feelings, and reflections on this.