Your Business is NOT Your Baby
Mar 31, 2021
Would you be willing to sell your whole business?
Some people would answer NO right away simply because they consider their businesses their "baby."
Here’s the thing - it’s usually struggling entrepreneurs, not successful entrepreneurs who cling so tightly to their business.
Now, why would I say that? Here’s the full episode so you can catch all the details!
"My business is my baby" usually means that there's a certain level of attachment to your business. Do you know the difference between all-in and being attached?
Being attached is that feeling of not being able to let go of control. And because you are so attached to it, you don't want to let go.
The concept of being "all-in" is something that mentors universally agree on. If you have your whole heart in your business, well then, your business is more likely to FLOURISH. You're more likely to meet serendipitous events and opportunities that will allow you to take your business to the next level.
It feels good to be all in. It feels good to have your whole heart in the game and have your focus set. That being said, that's not the same as being attached. Can you feel an energetic variance between those two things? For me, there is a huge energetic difference.
Being attached feels like constriction. It feels like tension, resistance. Being all-in means, it's a feeling of openness. It's a feeling of almost sacred surrender, of having so much faith, so much belief, that the greater good is unfolding. That God and the universe have your back and always root for you and always work in your favor.
Well, you can't miss anything that's for you when you're in alignment like that.
People who need to stay in control are also the people who are afraid of failing.
They almost have to grip their fist super tight and get their knuckles nice and white on the steering wheel. What if I told you that there's an easier way? Come and watch my full video below and learn a powerful alternative attachment that has MORE magnetic power!
So, to bring this full circle about your business not being your baby, what I am inviting you to consider here is the opportunity to let go of your need to control.
You don't need to grip the steering wheel, white knuckle it, and almost coerce the world around you to bend to your will to be a successful person.
There is so much more satisfaction to be had from finding yourself intentionally in alignment because you practice the kind of mindfulness that we're talking about here. You allow yourself to step back and recognize that the whole of who you really are has accounted for everything that's important to you.
Let go and align with your whole authentic self!