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Calling Soulful Teachers, Guides,  Coaches, Writers, Visionaries,  Entrepreneurs, & Creators!


If you've got a knowledge or expert business and you're challenged with knowing how to scale it in a way that feels inspired to YOU, let's just be clear that your Soul-Self has called you to this page.

So you've struggled to know how to grow your business,

and you may have felt...


"I feel directionless. I have a million ideas and don’t know where to focus."


"I’m confused about my niche. Whom do I serve and where the heck do I find them?!"


"I’m tired of doing things according to the gurus. I need my strategy to work for ME."


"I feel afraid to move forward and I’m not sure why I keep holding myself back."


"I know I should be helping way more people and making more money, but I don’t know how to make it happen."

The Root Problem That Creates All Those Issues Is


▶ ▷ Most people don’t know how to be aligned with their inner truth and their business at the same time.

▶ ▷ They see the gap. The see they hard work and struggle in their every day business life to fill the gap.

▶ ▷ They go to yoga and meditate and get all aligned internally, but then jump right back out of alignment when they start work.

▶ ▷ Then they look at all the opinions of the marketing gurus.

▶ ▷ They *think* they are in alignment with their inner purpose and deeper soul-truth because that’s what they claim their business is about - but their energy is stressed, scattered, and counterproductive.


You see, when a creator like you is ALIGNED with your inner vision and inner truth,

and you apply that alignment to ALL 5 COGS that make up a profitable business machine, you gain the ability to CREATE…

...greater impact

…more lives changed

…greater abundance & prosperity

…more profit

…more joy and satisfaction

I know this is true because of one thing:

Creators who bring their inner alignment to their business succeed.

They ATTRACT successful product launches, more dream customers, serendipitous help, and inner fulfillment. They get compensated for all the value they bring.


So how can YOU make sure that the dream within you becomes everything you know it deserves to be?

The Singular Solution to


Applying Conscious Creation Principles

throughout your entire

Business Strategy.

There's an ART to bringing the creative, manifesting power of INNER ALIGNMENT to your business strategy

It’s all about your Truth and Business. 

WHEN YOU'RE ALIGNED WITH YOUR SOUL-TRUTH, you’re showing up authentically. You’re playing to your strengths. You’re leading the mission you feel called to lead. You’re inspiring the people who need what you have to offer. You're routinely tapped into your inner power to create your reality (including your business reality!).

WHEN YOU PAIR IT WITH YOUR BUSINESS STRATEGY, there’s structure and direction to what you do. You act like the CEO of a real business. There’s a direct path forward. There’s an execution plan. And you take it one simple step at a time.

And when these two are combined synergistically, they don’t compete with each other.

You get to enjoy being totally aligned with the inner truth you really care about, and your business becomes the vehicle to bring the power and value of that truth to the world.

That, my friend, is the transformational power your Truth & Business™.

I want to help you create this transformation.

If you really want to build the business of your dreams, you need to say GOODBYE to inner disconnect and become the CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your business.

Let me Introduce you to the Brand New...

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Truth & Business is NOT Another ‘GURU’ System or Marketing Course.


This is NOT hype tactics or quick-fix strategies to get cheap followers or keep you busy while never seeing the growth and impact you dream of.

It’s a Transformational Process to take you from directionless dreamer to Conscious Creator by helping you master the application of conscious creation principles throughout each level of your business strategy.

It gives you what you need to bring your Inner Alignment to ALL ASPECTS of your Business Strategy:

Truth & Business Mastermind: Experience a year-long mastermind with the most talented and capable Conscious Creators who are here to change the world through their dream business

Soulful Creation: Dive into 5-modules to help you tap into power, inspiration, clarity, and infinite intelligence as you draw to you every needful thing to create your dream business.

5 True Business Mechanics: Develop the core components that make up a wildly successful business attracting leads, turning them into dream customers, and producing scalable revenue

An A-Z comprehensive execution strategy that takes you from organizing ideas to profitably marketing to scaling a team and giving you time freedom

LIVE Mastermind Sessions with Andrew to workshop areas where you’re stuck and flow your brilliance

Application Exercises to make sure you not only learn what it takes to build a truth-based business, but that you actually execute on it

Alignment Guidance that redirects you back to your inner truth again and again so that you spend less time in clutter and confusion, and more time in inspiration. and clarity.

The Perfect Fusion of

Conscious Creation + Business Strategy

It all begins with setting your soulful foundation - so that you're plugged into your true inner power, guided by your own intuitive impulses, and feeling massive confidence in your Soul-Truth & purpose.

Then we build out the 5 True Business Mechanics for your dream business - and you master how to show up in each area with true alignment so that your dream business remains a space of joy. 

The entire strategy relates back to your Soul-Truth at every single level - so you never have to worry about slipping into inauthenticity or disconnect.

Transform through the 5 True Business Mechanics.

Each component in the 5 True Business Mechanics contains training modules with video instruction, worksheets, and exercises designed to help you ALIGN AND ASSIMILATE. 

When your business has all 5 True Business Mechanics locked in place, you achieve profitability and scalability.

You'll also find QuickStart strategies that allow you to plug & play. Ideas become reality very fast here!

This is NOT a course where you binge watch videos. You're here to increase perspective, actively implement, and transform into the Soul-Executive of a business that actually takes shape and gets RESULTS!

Check Out What’s Waiting for You Inside When You Become a Member

Vision & Identity

The Vision & Identity modules are designed to help your dreams and ideas take shape. 

This is where you go from feeling scatterbrained, directionless, and overwhelmed to clear about your strategy and purpose. Instead of having ideas scattered in every corner of your brain (and desk!), you'll finally gain the structure and clarity you've been craving.


☑️ Articulating your SOUL-TRUTH in a single, simple concept

☑️ Lasering in on the perfect NICHE your business serves best

☑️ A one-of-a-kind PRE-VALIDATION PROCESS that ensures everything you create is a home run before you even create it

☑️ Dreamstorming and organizing your brand's OFFERINGS into a cohesive business structure (an Ascension Model!)

Then once you’ve given form and direction to your amazing vision...

Authentic Offers

Here you’ll dive into creating offers that deliver your true value. Most people try to sell a product or service, not realizing that nobody is looking for a product or service to buy.

The Authentic Offers section will show you how to identify what your market wants and HOW they want you to sell them what they want. This will dramatically change how you position your products or services!


☑️ The 9 components that make an offer irresistible to your customers and authentic to YOU

☑️The perfect formula for pricing your products & services

☑️How to break down buying concerns before they even arise

☑️How to leverage your knowledge, passion, & expertise to add more value to what you sell

Now that you’ve got an offer that you know will sell with certainty...

Traffic & Launches

And now it’s time to launch your incredible offer to the real world! Most entrepreneurs have never experienced their own launch before. They just stumble into market and hope that someone buys. But there is a way to launch with intention, preparation, and skill so that your launches not only produce sales and revenue, they also build your audience and prepare them for future launches.

Not only do you need to know the strategies for an effective launch, you are probably wondering where the people come from! Not all streams of traffic are right for your business. Some of them are a downright mismatch! Here you’ll learn to identify the sources of traffic that will marry seamlessly with you and your business.


☑️The difference between live launches and evergreen launches

☑️ The most powerful launches you can choose from

☑️ How to know which launch is right for your offer

☑️ The 3 different kinds of traffic

☑️ How to create a traffic strategy that fills your list with new contacts monthly

Once you know where the people will come from and how to reach them...

Marketing Machines

You’re finally ready to build out the Marketing Machine that handles the business for you! This is the part where some folks get nervous, thinking that technology disagrees with them.

I’m going to show you how to make it simple. The fact is, technology is just part of modern day business. So let’s make it clean and simple, shall we?


☑️ The foundational Marketing Machine behind all 6 and 7-figure businesses

☑️ Simple schematics to help you build your machine

☑️ Clear processes for creating landing pages, sales pages, email sequences, and cart checkouts

☑️ How to get the tech help you need when you need it

At this point you’re off to the races! Build a 6-figure business with what you know. OR if you want to scale beyond 6-figures...

Team & Automation

You have everything you need with Components 1-4 to build a fabulous 6-figure business. But if you want to scale to multiple 6-figures and beyond, you’re going to need to leverage. That’s why Component 5 dives into leverage the genius of other people to help you grow your business.

You’ll learn the processes of getting help, outsourcing, delegating, and building a team that helps you run you dream. The most important part is that building your team and automating your business GIVES YOU TIME FREEDOM.


☑️ How to hire your first Virtual Assistant

☑️ Where to find contractors and people to hire as you need help & expertise

☑️ The economics of team building (how to hire people as you scale revenue)

☑️ Andrew’s Team Scaling Formula (who to hire and in what order)

☑️ How to leverage tech automations to free up man and brain power in your business

Have a Question? Get on the phone with a real life person to get answers!

Call 213-986-6885

Get on the Truth & Business™ Waitlist


Because I’ve worked with thousands of entrepreneurs in many countries and industries, I’ve seen where people get stuck. So to make this even EASIER for you and to TURN UP THE FUN…

QuickStart Strategies ($4899 Value)

Sure, you’re excited about having strategies and processes laid out for you. But how do you keep track of all the details? That’s where you got lost in the past, right??

We’ve built a library of QuickStart Strategies for you that give you step-by-step processes to follow for the many crucial business processes you might need.

Webinar funnel? Launch sequence? Digital course creation? Done, done, and done.

With the cick of a button you can import the QuickStart Strategy you need right into your account, and then you just Plug & Play.

AND you can easily hand these off to an assistant or other staff members as you scale your team! Hello, delegating & smooth operating!

Alignment Games ($499 Value)

You know when you’re in alignment with your inner truth, but what happens when you get knocked out of alignment

Rather than sit in discouragement or confusion, you can use these simple games I’ve devised to help you stay in your inner alignment more of the time.

These really are invaluable. There's no price on being in flow.

The Alignment Games are mini exercises you can do to take you back into flow, encouragement, fun, and inspiration any time you need a boost. That means more productivity, better results, and more JOY as you create your dream business.

6 Live Training Sessions with Andrew ($1800 Value)

What happens if you have questions? What if you get stuck somewhere? What if you have too many good ideas to whittle down? 

The live training sessions with Andrew are where you’ll workshop your ideas. Jump in the hot seat (the “love seat”!) to brainstorm, troubleshoot, and get the clarity you need. 

These sessions are a student-favorite and a MUST-HAVE part of the Truth & Business™ experience. You’ll leave stronger and more certain after each session.

Session #1: Finding your clarity & flow (no matter how stuck you have been)

Session #2: Organizing your million dollar ideas

Session #3: Clean up your money & sales paradigm 

Session #4: Tapping into an endless flow of dream customers

Session #5: Activate your Launch Strategy

Session #6: Making tech & automations your best friends

The Full Confidence Guarantee 

When you join Truth & Business™, I GUARANTEE you will know how to confidently build your dream into a profitable, scalable business...


Yeah, you read that right. I'll take on all the risk here. If you decide that Truth & Business™ isn't right for you, simply contact my customer support expert Jhen and show your work within 30 days of purchase, and we'll refund 100% of your money. 

Why show your work? Because we know that if you do it, you will see results. But it's up to you to put it to the test!


Take a Virtual Tour to See Inside the Program!

Explore the core curriculum, strategy templates, and additional bonus  content - all designed to develop you into the Soul-Executive of your profitable dream business.


"I was spinning my wheels. Since working with Truth & Business, I've gotten to the core. I know the 'how-to,' and it's always from the place of my Soul Truth."

- Renee, Yoga Membership Owner